Sunday, 12 June 2016

The Combat Academy: Belt Whippings

Recently I saw a Facebook post by Darren Yeoman who runs Fightworx Academy, regarding stopping the post promotion belt whipping ceremony at his club. If I'd read this a few years ago I'd have been screaming 'pussification,' and thought it was more evidence of the 'watering down of BJJ', but over the years my opinion has changed.

On a similar Facebook thread, even Dickie Martin, who I consider to be one of the original hardcore, old school BJJ guys in the UK, stated that his opinion of the tradition has changed.

I was whipped for all of my promotions, it didn't bother me in the slightest, I've also played an active role in dishing some out. I've been part of some hilarious whippings, one of the funniest being our instructor Braulio Estima chasing my fellow coach, Simon Small down the mats with a wooden shinai as part of his promotional whipping at Gracie Barra Birmingham. Please note, the tradition was dropped by Braulio many years ago.

On the flip side, over the years I've witnessed people who I didn't think were totally comfortable with the whole process, this has been both giving and receiving the whipping. I've also seen some of the horrendous physical damage caused, and this does not sit comfortably with me. I do fear that one day someone is going to suffer a serious injury.

I understand that there will be those in my Academy who will be disappointed with this decision. For many, whippings have been seen as a 'right of passage' it has been a long tradition at our club, however I agree with Darren's thoughts that 'the negatives outweigh the positives,' and that is why I have decided that we will no longer be doing the belt whipping ceremony at The Combat Academy.

I want our academy to be a place where everyone (regardless of their character) feels comfortable training. If a belt whipping puts a single person off training BJJ, then that is one person too many in my opinion.

It was discussed on the Facebook thread that belt whippings could be made optional, and this was something I have considered. However, I do not think this is a viable option, and I will now paraphrase an excellent post by Andy Knowles regarding this.

The problem Andy identified with making belt whippings optional, is peer pressure. I'm sure the vast majority of our students have no problem with belt whipping, however, for the minority who are not totally comfortable, they may feel a pressure to 'conform'. It is potentially a situation where they are being forced to participate in something, that they are not comfortable with, in order to be 'accepted' by their peers into some sort of macho cult, frat or clique.

The Combat Academy has a reputation of being a club where belts are very hard earned. The student has to put in a lot of time, effort and dedication, and will have expended a lot of sweat to earn their promotion. I do not feel that receiving a belt whipping after their promotion proves anything or adds to their journey.

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